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    Here we discuss all about SEO information,techniques,tools and best SEO tips and tricks.

    Importance of On-Page SEO That Necessary to rank your webpages

    importance of on page seo

    Search engine optimization does not specialize in tasks that will make pigs soar high up in the sky. Its real task is to dig deeper into the genetics of a website and re-engineer the essential elements until it transforms into an eagle. – Bruce Clay

    While using SEO, there are various aspects you have to consider to ensure your campaign is successful. One of these important aspects is “On-Page” SEO. Also known as On-Site SEO, On-Page SEO involves a number of elements which help make your site more search engine friendly. Not only does it helps attract a noticeable level of online traffic but also allows you to measure the performance and success rate of the campaign. So, if you are planning to use SEO for marketing your products or services online, you should have a clear understanding of On-Page SEO so you can implement it wisely.

    While various other ways and online marketing channels are now available, SEO is still one of the most widely used ways. You might hear some people say SEO is dead or outdated, which is exactly the opposite of the situation right now. SEO is still the most widely used way to divert targeted traffic to websites.
    New businesses have to invest in on-page SEO from the outset. Using this technique, they can target their products and services in a highly effective way, getting their message across to their target audience. This can help improve their chances of growth during the early stages. A combination of rightly optimized and On-Page SEO with other online marketing channels is better as it covers all the aspects of a successful marketing campaign. However, before you start using SEO, there are a couple of basic things you should understand:

    1.Domain name -

     How important is it to use keywords in a domain name? Using a keyword laden domain name used to be paramount if you wanted to rank higher and beat your competitors but today, we strongly believe that it is better to incorporate a unique brand name or your business name than using keyword within a domain name. Remember, you should try branding your company especially if the brand name you are thinking of using is short and catchy. So, if you are starting from scratch, we recommend using a brand instead of keyword in your domain name and if you apply other SEO guidelines in your SEO campaign with good copy writing and fresh content, don't be surprised if your site ends up beating your competitor who has keywords in the domain name.

    2.Keyword Research

    Keyword Research is a complete process in which you collect a long list of key phrases and after sorting out you determine a final list of phrases to target that are valuable and money making for your business.
    The idea is to find words that contain higher search volume and lower (comparatively lower) competition. In order to find an ideal list of keywords you can take aid of tools like Google Adwords tool, Google insights, keyword difficulty tool and may be Google search. Where Google Adwords can help you find high volume key phrases, SEOmoz can help determine level of difficulty. As per to verify the conversion value of these keywords you can either use your Google Analytics or your Gut feeling.

    3.Creating Content

    Great writing and great SEO go hand in hand because your highly searched keywords are the same keywords that people want to know more about.
    Now that you have decided upon the keywords that you want to target, your next step should be to create quality content according to these key phrases.

    Remember, a great content copy is not about how many times you have used your keywords in the copy or where you have used the keywords it’s about how much engaging it is for your targeted audience. Try to create better content keeping your audience in mind and this will automatically help improving your overall website’s SEO.

    Accessible, search engine friendly website and great content are core foundations of SEO process, if you have got these fixed them with powerful link building and social sharing the website can get better visibility in search engines, which is defiantly going to increase readership, more traffic and eventually more conversions for the business.

    But, in-case you do not have your on-page optimization fixed, even with strongest link building and ethical social sharing you might not be able to improve your website visibility which may have a direct impact on business sales.

    4.Using Descriptive Tags and Names on Media Files

    Just like using keywords in the URLs or links, you should also use proper names in the media files so that it is clearer and easier to understand for your target audience. Your website should include videos, pictures, GIFs and other non-text document and make sure the correct name is displayed when user places the cursor on it. For example, image123.jpg would not only be unprofessional but also vague but using Samsung_S3.jpg would be better. You should also use tags and short descriptions in your images and videos as this will allow for a higher ranking in the search engine.
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    On-Page Optimization undoubtedly is a pillar for SEO. If even one pillar fails in having solid base, it will definitely collapse. Hence, On-page optimization is a very important aspect of successful Search Engine Optimization. Whether it’s crawling of search engines or indexing the pages or may be improving the ranking of the results, on-page optimization plays a major role in SEO success.


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